Waki3: Moroccan Rap's First Album by Double A
August 01
Salé, Morocco
Although Shams dinn was the first to start an album, it was Double A, composed of Aminoffice and Ahmed, who released the first official Moroccan rap album in 1996 through the label “Adoua’ Al-Madina” in Salé.
This marked a memorable day in Moroccan rap history. Double A brought US hip-hop culture to Morocco and infused it with a unique Moroccan touch by rapping in Darija. This groundbreaking blend introduced something new to local listeners and planted the first seeds of Moroccan rap.
Their influence paved the way for new groups and solo rappers to emerge, such as H-Kayne in the same year, along with Fnaire, Hell Ouaff, Hell Lmkane, Casa Crew, Dogmatik, Bigg, Muslim, and Would Chaab.
- 1 Waki3
- 2 ahlam
- 3 Rap maghribi
- 4 HipHop
- 5 chams tal3at
- 6 dahaya zanka
- 7 Na Na Na
- 8 li ma ado flous
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